Site privacy policy

Mahsoul understands the importance of your privacy and data; Therefore, we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information and data, and by registering for and using our services, you agree to the practices described in this policy.

What do you mean?

• This Privacy Policy describes how we (Mehsool), our partners and affiliates collect, use, disclose, share and protect your personal information. • By you (you) means any entity, individual, user or any person interacting with the Platform. • We apply this Privacy Policy to our online platforms and tools including mobile applications, desktops and websites. • We care about your privacy, and as such we will always try to anonymize your personal information before sharing it with suppliers and service providers and we will only share data that is necessary to fulfill requests by suppliers and service providers, thus we will minimize the amount of detail and number of times your information is passed or disclosed.

policy changes:

Our Privacy Policy reflects our current practices and is subject to change and update from time to time, if we change our Privacy Policy; We will notify you through a notice on our Platforms or otherwise, and your consent to such change is not required to continue using our Services. Your continued use of our Services following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of those updates or changes. Personal data collection We collect your personal information in order to provide and continually improve our products and services. You may provide personal information directly to Mahsoool by interacting with the Services, participating in surveys, during events such as requesting services or information, and while navigating the Services. Certain information that does not require your interaction may also be collected about Your visit including through cookies. We seek to collect only information that is relevant for the purposes of processing. The ways in which we collect and use personal information are set out below.

Types of personal information we collect:

• Mahsool collects personal information relating to its customers, users, and visitors to the Services (collectively, “Individuals”). • Information You Provide Us Directly: When you use the Services or engage in certain activities, such as registering for an account with Mohsool, responding to surveys, requesting services or information, or contacting us directly, we may ask you to provide some or all types of information next: • Account Creation: When you create an account, we will collect personal information including your name and email address. • Communications with us: We may collect personal information from you, such as your email address and phone number, when you choose to request information about our services or register for a newsletter or loyalty program that we may offer from time to time, when you request to receive technical or customer support support, or to communicate us in another way. • Surveys: From time to time, we may contact you to participate in online surveys. If you decide to participate, you may be asked to provide certain information, which may include personal information. All information collected from your participation in our surveys is provided voluntarily. We may use such information to improve our products and/or services in accordance with the policies herein. • Automatic data collection: We may collect certain information automatically through our Services or other methods of web analytics, such as your IP address, cookie identifiers, mobile operator identifiers, mobile advertising identifiers, MAC address, and IID mobile device (IMEI), advertiser ID, and other device identifiers automatically assigned to your computer or device when you access the Internet, browser type, language, geolocation information, hardware type, operating system, Internet service provider, pages you visit before using the Services, time and date of your visit, and amount of time spent on each page and information about the links you click on and the pages you view within the Services, and other actions taken through the use of the Services such as preferences. If you did not have an account when this information was collected, we may subsequently attribute such information to your account if and when you created it. • Feedback Provided Via the Services: You agree that Mahsoob is free to use the content of any communications provided directly by you to Mahsoob via the Review feature, including any ideas, inventions, concepts, technologies or know-how disclosed therein, for any purpose including developing manufacture, and/or market goods or services, you will not disclose your name or publicize the fact that you have provided materials or other information to it unless: (i) you give us permission to do so; (ii) we first send a notice to you that a review or other information you have submitted to a particular page or service will be posted or used including your name on it; or (iii) we are required to do so by law. • Information from Other Sources: We may receive information about you from other sources, including through third party services and organizations to supplement the information you provide. For example, if you access our Services through a third-party application, such as an app store (including the Apple App Store, Google Play App Store, or Amazon App Store) or a social media site, we may collect information about you from the third-party application that you make available via Your privacy settings. The information we collect through app stores or social media accounts may include your name, your social media user ID, your social media username, location, gender, date of birth, email, profile picture, and your social media contacts, This additional information allows us to verify the information you have provided to Mahsool and enhances our ability to provide you with information